
Thrown when startup of the Chromium process has been failed.

Antivirus software installed in the environment can prevent the Chromium process from starting up, or it may crash immediately after startup during Engine initialization. This exception is thrown in such cases.


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Constructs a new instance of the ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException.
public void ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException(int exitCode)
Constructs a ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException with the given exit code.
Constructs a ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException with the specified cause.


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public final synchronized void addSuppressed(Throwable exception)
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public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace()
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public synchronized Throwable getCause()
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public String getMessage()
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public final synchronized Array<Throwable> getSuppressed()
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public synchronized Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
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public void printStackTrace()
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public void setStackTrace(Array<StackTraceElement> stackTrace)
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public String toString()